Parent Council

Parent Council
Parent Council and Involving Parents
All Parents and Carers of students at Plockton High School are automatically members of the Parent Forum. The Parent Council represent the Parent Forum and it meets once a term; members are selected at the AGM, usually held in September. The council also co-opts individuals, such as Local Councillors, who bring their expertise to the group.
The role of the Parent Council is to strengthen the links between School, the Pupils and their Parents. It exists to represent the views of Parents and promote contact and communication between the school, the students, their families and the wider community.
The Parent Council works hard to raise funds to provide extra equipment and facilities for the school, through events such as the raffle at the Christmas Fayre. We aim to have representative at every Parents evening, serving refreshment and offering support. We can be contacted to discuss any concerns you may have.
Hazel Boswell
Ruth Mockett
Susan MacVicar
You can reach the Parent Council here -