Support for Learning
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The aim of the Support for Learning Department in Plockton High School is to provide appropriate support for all pupils with Additional Support Needs. This is achieved by working with class teachers to help pupils in subject classes, by teaching small groups or individual pupils and by providing an individulised curriculum for pupils with additional support needs.
Each year, primary schools are visited by the PT Support for Pupils and a member of the Support for Learning Department. Using the information given by the Primary Head Teachers, the Support for Learning Teacher will liaise with the Primary School to discuss in a more detailed way, the needs of individual pupils. A plan is put into place for each pupil if necessary to facilitate the the transition from Primary to Secondary. In addition the Primary/Secondary Support for Learning Liaison Group meets three times per session to discuss and plan the required support of incoming pupils with Additional Support Needs.
The Principal Teacher of Support for Learning prepares timetables for the team based on pupil need in terms of individual, group and in-class support. Support may involve one or more of the following:
provison of practical support in and out of the classroom e.g. audio texts, access to ICT, scribing, reading, differentiated materials
direct teaching of basic skills in reading, spelling, writing and number with individuals and/or small groups
helping pupils to catch up/or organise work for subject classes
consultation with subject departments to plan for individual needs within the class
literacy and numeracy programmes are put in place for individual pupils
co-operative teaching - team teaching
auxiliary support for specific needs
In addidtion to a close working partnership with colleagues within the school, the Support for Learning Department is committed to regular consultation with parents and, where relevant, with external services such as Careers Scotland, Psychological Service, Speech and Language Therapists, Physiotherapists, the School Medical Officer and other specialist agencies.
Where a young person has additional needs which require specialist support from any of these external agencies to supplement educational provisions it may be necessary to provide a Co-ordinated Support Plan. If the additional support needs of any young person can be met by extra provision within the education service an Individual Education Plan or a Child's Plan may be drawn up. If such needs are identified, parents and teachers will work together towards the most appropriate planning methods to support the young person and their family. All parents/carers who feel that their child may have additional support needs can get information from the school, from Health Personnel or from Social Work Personnel.
Pupils who have physical impairments or recognised specific learning difficulties are entitled to have appropriate special assessment arrangements. Decisions regarding these are made using procedures established by the SQA. Parents of pupils requiring Special Examination Arrangments are consulted as early as possible, normally following the involvement of Learning Support, subject teachers and the Educational Psychologist.
The Support for Learning Department provides a highly individualised curriculum to meet the needs of pupils with significant additional support needs. The emphasis is on whole-school commitment to mainstream social/subject integration, where appropriate, and practical/life-skill approaches in real contexts. This requires a close working partnership between the Learning Support team and subject departments.
While mainly involved with pupils in S1 to S4, the Sfl department will continue to support/help pupils in S5/6 where appropriate. As students progress through the stages, they are expected, to a large extent, to be responsible for their own learning.