Religious, Moral and Philosophical Studies
Religious and Moral Education is recognised nationally as an essential part of the education of all young people. Life is all about belief and behaviour and the subject is designed to reflect this. RMPS is about personal search and respect for others, and pupils are encouraged to reflect on the big moral questions in life as well as the moral issues of the day, allowing them to participate as responsible citizens in Scotland's social and cultural life. Christianity is studied whilst other world religions are investigated. It is out aim to promote confident individuals with a sense of self-respect and secure values and beliefs.
The syllabus in S1-3 is designed to follow the guidelines set out for A Curriclum for Excellence 3-18, covering mostly personal belief and understanding and here, pupils will be able to develop and communicate their own beliefs and view of the world. The course in S1-3 is set out to engage the pupils more towards enquiry about public behaviour and morality. It is here that pupils will be challenged to make informed choices and decisions.
S1 - RME is presently provided one period per week S1-3.
Unit 1 'The Big Questions?' which reflects on the big mysteries in life.
Unit 2 'One World' where they find out about different views and beliefs, with a Social Subjects Faculty Project.
Unit 3, which is called 'One World of Faiths'
Unit 4 ' Our World' which is being run in conjunction with the Geography department.
Unit 5 is called 'Choices, Choices, Choices!' relating to morals. We do take time in the curriculum year to look at and examine the two great Christian and seasonal festivals of Christmas and Easter.
Unit 6 ' The Time of Your Life' This unit examines the major occasions in life of 'Birth, Marriage and Death'
Unit 7 'Christianity' which explores how Christianity grew to become the biggest world religion and the major living faith in Scotland today, with a research Investigation into 'Jesus'
Unit 8 - 'Dead Famous Superheroes', pupils investigate famous characters from the past to promote the core values of wisdom, justice, compassion and integrity.
- The course for S3 is called Global Issues - 'Justice in the World' and is divided into two complementary parts.
Unit 1 is about poverty and is called 'The Great Divide'. Unit 2 is about personal politics and is called 'Fairness and Forgiveness'. Moral issues such as responses to global inequality and world terrorism are also considered in light of current events. The S3 syllabus seeks to engender compassion and responsibility towards a world in need. Pupils are encouraged to be informed and responsible citizens
In S4 again, the course is divided into two complementary parts, under the title Personal Social Issues -Contemporary Moral Issues.
Both parts cover issues such as morality, war and peace, environment, sexuality; rights; racism and responsible behaviour in today's world as well as many other issues. RME is an essential part of the school cirriculum offering opportunities for discussion, dialogue, argument and debate where all opinions are valid.
In S5 and 6 pupils continue to take core RMPS as part of the new national requirements. It is the department's mission to educate not indoctrinate, and as such we strive to be as welcoming and inclusive as possible.
S5/6 Higher
In S5/6 we offer Higher. Again pupils and students would study Religious, Moral and Philosophical Issues at Higher Certificate Level.
World Religions, Ethics and Belief and Science are all examined.
S6 Advanced Higher
In S6 we offer Advanced Higher. Again pupils and students would study Religious, Moral and Philosophical Issues at Higher Certificate Level.
In particular we look at The Philosophy of Religion
In RMPS we offer challenge and enjoyment, personal choice and relevance.