History is a window on the past which mirrors the present and reflects the future .....
History teaches that we have a local, national and international heritage which influences our current world. Evidence, heritage, change and causation are the key ideas of the S1 to S6 History course.
The key skills are:
Knowledge & Understanding
Enquiry Skills: recognising bias, inconsistency and gaps in the evidence and being able to draw conclusions about different points of view surrounding historical evidence
Social Skills: include class and group discussions, individual presentations and the ability to organise work to meet deadlines.
Teaching and learning reflect an emphasis on both 'active learning', in which pupils experience the full range of 'historical evidence' and direct teaching. Resources now include:
Written - documents, letters, diaries, Newspapers, textbooks and novels
Visual - cartoons, sketches, DVDs, Power Point
Computer - simulations, Internet
Fieldwork - Boreraig (Skye)
Plays - Highland Clearances
Role simulation - a court case
The Topics of study in S1-3 under the new Curriculum for Excellence are:
Curriculum for Excellence - What is History, an introduction
'Man in the Bog' - a case study
Skara Brae, a study
Essential Scotland (Historical Timeline through the Ages)
The Black Death
Voyages of Discovery
One World Project
The Glenelg Brochs - Serfs Quest
The Changing Highlands
Racism - case study on Rodney King
Black Peoples of the Americas
The Holocaust
National Certificate - Germany 1918-1939 & International Relations and Co-operation 1890-1920
Scotland & Britain 1880 - Present
Higher - The French Revolution
Scotland and England (1603-1702)
Special Topic - Scotland 1689-1715
Interemediate 2 - Units at this level are available. Content options will be offered according to class composition
Advanced Higher - Soviet Russia - 1917 - 1956
The teaching of History at Plockton High School aims to produce tolerant yet critical individuals, capable of applying what they have learned both to everyday situations and their chosen vocation. It is further hoped that pupils will have acquired a lifelong attachment to learning, developing skill for life and work.