Geography is the most all-encompassing of subjects bringing together natural and social sciences. It comes under the broad umbrella of Social Subjects. It is the study of people, places and other features on the earth's surface.
Geographers are concerned with global change, processes in the human and physical environments and their interaction and focuses on the local area, Scotland, the British Isles, Europe and the World.
We also study important current issues concerning the environment, sustainability and citizenship.
Skills in mapping, research, fieldwork, using, interpreting and analysing graphs, tables, diagrams, statistics and written sources are developed as the course progresses.
Geography students can go on to study the subject as part of an Arts, Science or Social Science degree.
The common course undertaken by all pupils, through Curriculum for Excellence is comprised of a number of units designed to introduce and to develop the subject. The content is designed for individual or group work and aims to develop specific geographical skills as well as contributing to the pupils' general education. Topics covered include: map and atlas skills: a comparison of life in hot and cold deserts; studies of environmental issues such as climate change, desertification, destruction of rainforests; coastal landscapes/use of coastal areas; earth forces; world inequalities; extreme weather; Scottish landscapes and weather; disease; farming and a topical world issue (this varies from year to year and has included studies of Syrian migration to Europe, the Ebola outbreak and Typhoon Haiyan). Map studies permeate these topics and much of the course is enquiry based. Pupils are challenged to address issues in a positive manner and to show enterprise and initiative.
Admission to courses will be dependent upon gaining the necessary entry requirements. Students in S4 wishing to undertake National Certificate and in S5 Higher Geography will be expected to attain the necessary level. In S6 students gaining Higher Geography in S5 may continue to the Advanced Higher.
Fieldwork, including a residential visit, is integrated into exam level Geography courses wherever possible.
National 4/5 Topics/Assessment:
There are 3 sections :
Physical – glaciated and coastal landscapes; weather
Human – urban; rural; population and development
Global Issues – Climate change and environmental hazards
To gain the award students must pass an internally marked assessment for each unit. In addition National 5 pupils sit an external exam worth 80 marks. The remaining 20 marks is awarded to an assignment. This is an individual investigation which must be researched independently, written up under controlled conditions and marked by the SQA. National 4 pupils do an Added Value research task which is assessed internally and do not sit an external exam.
Higher Topics/Assessment:
There are 4 sections:
Physical – lithosphere( landscapes); biosphere(study of soils); hydrosphere(drainage basin processes); atmosphere(global climate controls)
Human – population; rural; urban
Global Issues – Development and Health; Global Climate Change
Application of Geographical Skills
To gain the award students must pass an internal assessment for each section. In addition you must also pass the external assessment which consists of an exam worth 160 marks and an Assignment worth 30 marks.
Advanced Higher:
This course is excellent preparation for university because it involves a high level of independent research and presentation. Students will meet for tutorials once or twice a week and will be expected to work independently at other times.
Map Interpretation
Gathering and Processing Techniques
Geographical Data Handling
To gain the award students must pass an internal assessment for each section. In addition they must also pass the external assessment which consists of an exam worth 50 marks and a folio worth 100marks (Section A -Geographical study (60 marks) and section B – Geographical Issue essay (40 marks)
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