Pupils in S1 and S2 study French using 'Metro' a course complemented by 'Salut', which has been designed to accompany 'Metro', thus ensuring that the full range of ability is catered for. The principal aim of the course is to develop the skills of speaking, listening and reading. In addition, correct written communication is an integral part of the programme. Each unit of work is assessed and progress closely monitored. Attainment tests are set regularly to ensure standards of performance.
Pupils will continue to develop their language skills in preparation for moving onto National 4 and National 5. The 'Metro' course is used to support the completion of the Curriculum for Excellence outcomes and experiences.
National 4 and National 5 qualifications are offered on S3/4 and build upon the Curriculum for Excellence experiences and outcomes to develop the four skills of listening, talking, reading, and writing. Again, the 'Metro' course is used to facilitate these awards, which build on pupils' knowledge of grammar, structures, vocabulary and cultural aspects.
The National 4 course is internally assessed and is based on the three units: Understanding, Language, Using Language and the French Asssignment.
The National 5 course has an external exam in May and allocates 50% of marks to the question paper 'Reading and Writing', 20% of marks to the question paper 'Listening' and 30% of marks to the performance 'Talking and Listening'.
Pupils in S5 will progress in their learning of French by studying National 5 or Higher French. The LTS support materials and online scholar resources are used to support this course. All work is assessed following SQA guidelines and by means of an external exam in May.