Your English classroom should be an attractive place in which to learn and displays containing some of your work will help us to achieve this. Pupils' work is often displayed in the corridor near to the department noticeboards where you can find out about Book Fairs, Drama, Public Speaking events, what's on at Eden Court and enjoy the Poem of the Week.
Our S1-3 Broad General Education English courses are designed to provide progression in the skills of Reading, Writing, Listening and Talking.
Reading is an excellent English teacher in itself; you will have opportunities to read fiction, non-fiction, poetry and drama. We will encourage you to read at home too, and to make good use of the school library.
Think about the many types of writing:
Informative and discursive, short stories, scripts, letters, poems and writing about personal experience. Whatever the topic (within reason), whatever the style, you can write about it in English. You will, on occasion, have access to the latest word processing technology.
Most pupils enjoy talking and, indeed, are good at it! In English we can help you to talk successfully in a discussion, in groups and when giving a talk on your own. You may have opportunities to see these skills for yourself as you watch yourself talking on video.
Your listening skills help you to understand and act on information as you hear it.
Listening to tapes and fellow pupils is part of this as, of course, is listening to your teacher!
These skills are developed within the course via the study of literature and of language itself. In order to develop their creative and critical faculties, pupils in S1-3 will, each year, study and work with at least three of the following literary genres: Drama, Poetry, Prose, and Modern Media.
S4,5 & 6
In S4, S5 and S6, we help you to prepare for important exams. In S4 you will sit National 4 or National 5 English and in S5 you will follow the English course which is most appropriate for your level: National 5 or Higher.
In S6 you may continue to work within the Higher Still framework or you may choose to study Advanced Higher English. We also offer Public Speaking and Debating at junior and senior levels.
The skills which you acquire in English will be important all your life. We are looking forward to meeting you and working with you in our Department.
Useful websites
English Homework and resources site