The fascinating world of Chemistry is revealed through experiments and research, showing just how molecules interact in nature and in living systems.
The structure of the atom is studied in detail and related to the ways in which they form bonds with other atoms to create molecules. A range of skills are developed, in particular scientific analytical, investigative and reasoning skills. The learning of key concepts in the course is frequently within an environmental context. Pupils are encouraged to become responsible citizens by considering the impact of battery discarding and gas pollution on the environment, and are expected to work together to explore possible solutions to these problems. Key concepts are taught using a variety of activities including teacher-led demonstrations, individual experiments, research, videos, experimental write-ups, class discussions, textbook work and investigation work.A variety of assessment methods are used throughout the course to enhance learning and provide feedback.
The key topics studied in S3 are as follows:
Bonding, structure and properties
Carbon- the clever element
Metals and the reactivity series
Cells and batteries
No loss gain, no gain
Going round in cycles
The solution for pollution?
What’s new in the material world?
The courses include the units Atoms, Acids and Alkalis, Natures Chemistry. Special attention is given to industrial and technological applications of Chemistry and their impact on society. Throughout, pupils are encouraged to find practical solutions to relevant and challenging chemical problems.
In S5, pupils who have achieved well in National 5 Science courses, Literacy National 5 are encouraged to consider the corresponding Higher courses. Each Higher grade course explores in more depth the work already carried out in S3 and S4. In addition to these courses the department offers Advanced Higher courses in Biology, Chemistry and Physics. The Advanced Higher courses allow pupils considerable scope to study in detail some chosen area of each subject and provide and excellent introduction to further advanced studies.